Sunday, July 6, 2008

#304 Fort Collins Brewery - Rocky Mountain IPA

This beer has with a hoppy aroma with piny grassy notes. There is a surprising red color to this IPA and it is very clear. The head pour medium with medium retention, not an over flowing foam like some IPAs.

The taste is very hoppy with strong pine flavors. There is a hint of malt sweetness but it is over shadowed by the hops. The hops are quite bitter, with mainly pine flavors, just a touch of fruitiness. The mouthfeel is full and well carbonated. The finish is hoppy and bitter.

This beer has too much pine flavored hops without enough malt to support the hops. I am not really to happy with this beer. The bitterness is making my mouth water it is so strong.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Strange bottle. I wouldn't have picked an elephant for a "rocky mountain" IPA.