Tuesday, July 1, 2008

#299 Boulevard - Sixth Glass Quadrupel Ale

This beer has a strong Belgian spice aroma mixed with some fruity notes and yeast. The color is a hazy brown without any light passing though. The head pours thick with good retention keeping the beer covered.

This beer has a sweet start with a brown sugar and fruit flavor, like a dessert made with raisins. The Belgian spice / clove flavor is present and not overwhelming. There is some alcohol taste, but it is subtle similar to a glass of sherry. The mouthfeel is smooth and full with plenty of carbonation playing on the tongue. The finish is spicy and sweet.

This is a wonderful beer, lots of strong Belgian spice flavors without being overwhelming. The sweetness could be dialed back a touch, but this is a great beer.

1 comment:

Mockwerks said...

Hey, nice review on a nice beer. I think this has the potential to age well, so my plan is to buy a couple to cellar.