Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#48 Berghoff - Bock Beer

This is another beer from Huber brewery. For the most part that have come a little short of what I want. I did like the red beer but it reminding me of my first beer had a lot to do with my liking that beer. I'm not saying any are very bad beer, just only one has been a very good beer.

This bock has a great smell of dark malt and caramel and even some hops. This beer is dark but filtered clear, the color is a lot like the glass of the bottle it was poured from. There is a nice head of foam on this dark beer.

This beer has a strange taste. It tastes like coffee and sweet malt, and hops all at the same time with an overly foamy thin mouth feel. This beer taste a little more like a soda than a beer. I have not had very many bocks lately maybe I am missing something about how they should taste. The sweet taste reminds me of root beer.

I would only drink this beer again to see if it still has the same strange taste. It is not really a bad taste it is just not a taste I think beer should have. It's too sweet and poorly balanced. It's tolerable, but not good.

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