Monday, October 1, 2007

#26 Mendocino - Eye of the Hawk

This is a beer from a California brewery that started as one of the first brewpubs in 1983. They have good selections of beers all with bird references. One the web site they go on to talk about dreams of raising raptors and the beers embodying the spirit of the birds. I like seeing a brewery that put so much though into what they do.

I can smell a little yeast, and a little grassy hops for this beer. The yeast in the smell make me think this is beer is bottle conditioned, but its pretty clear so I could be wrong. This beer has a good golden red color, with a nice head of foam and bubbles coming up from the bottom. The look of this beer is pleasant and enticing.

This ale taste first starts with rich malt flavor, but not too sweet. It also has a slight hop flavor that is well balanced against the malt. This beer has a surprisingly heavy mouth feel, I am not sure if this is caused by the carbonation or if there is some wheat used in brewing this beer. The mouth feel reminds me of Belgium beers, I wonder if there is a connection. This is an 8% beer which is also like a Belgium beer.

The Brewery's web site mentions this beer's nice mouth feel and says it is made using a mix caramel and pale malted barley. It is bottle condition like I thought from the smell. This is a very enjoyable beer it is easy to drink and is full of flavors that are blanced. I would like to try more beers from this brewery.

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