Sunday, October 14, 2007

#38 Berghoff - Red Ale

Berhoff is made by Huber Brewery, the brewery that makes the Huber Premium Beer that I reviewed previously. This beer is so much better than the Huber that the Brewery has redeemed its self to me. I am eager to try other beers in the Berhoff line.

The smell of this beer is a good example of a red ale with sweet malt and light hop smells. This beer has a fine red color to match it's name and a bit of foam.

This beer has a nice sweet taste and just a bit of hops like a rd ale should. This beer also had some fruit esters which really add to the sweet taste and gives the beer some flavor to standout. It reminds me a lot of the red ale I brewed with the fruit esters.

I enjoy this beers red ale flavors. It's got a nice taste that isn't overpowering so it can be enjoyed any time.

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