Sunday, June 29, 2008

#297 Terrapin - Golden Ale

This beer has a slight aroma with DMS (corn smell) being the only thing noticeable. The beer has a golden color with just a hint of hazy keeping the beer from being crystal clear. The head pours thick and has moderate retention.

This beer has a DMS (corn) taste with a strong dose of hop bitterness. The DMS has plenty of sweetness and malt flavors are absent. The bitterness is clear and it tastes like hops, but there is no clear hop flavor. The mouthfeel is a little thick and the finish is pretty bitter.

I am not thrilled about this beer. I was expecting a Belgian style Golden Strong and got some odd corn base beer, maybe a cream ale. The bottle calls this beer a session beer meaning it's low alcohol and easy to drink, I guess it is but I don't care for the corn flavor or the bitterness.

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