Monday, June 2, 2008

#268 Yazoo – Dos Perros Ale

Saturday May 31st

This is a mexican style beer brewed in Nashville TN. Mexican beers a similar of old Austrian styles because Mexico was rules by Austria in the late 19th century.

This beer has a clean malty aroma. The color is a dark brown with some red highlights. There is little to no foam on this beer.

This ale has a slight malty molasses taste with a hint of roasted flavor. There is a slight corn DMS taste this this beer making it taste like a mix between a cream ale and an English stout. The mouthfeel is well carbonated and effervescent. The finish is clean with a hint of roast.

This is a tasty beer, a great one to drink on a hot day. The flavors are clean and light even for a beer with a dark color.

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