Sunday, March 30, 2008

#206 Avery - The Reverend

This beer is called a Quadruple, which is not a BJCP recognized style but falls into the Belgium Specialty or Belgium Strong category. In 2003 Avery The Reverend won a gold metal in the Belgium/Abby Strong category.

This beer has a strong Belgium aroma with clove and fruit flavors mixed with some yeast flavors. The color is a deep clear burgundy. The head is thin, not pour very thick and quickly dissolving to almost none.

The flavor is malty and nutty, with biscuit and grain notes. The Belgium spice and cloves are the most dominate flavors, to the point of being sharp and biting. There is also a noticeable alcohol taste to the 10% beer. The mouthfeel is thick and smooth. The finish spicy, and bitter with the spice flavor lingering long after the beer is gone.

This is a good beer, with lots of strong Belgium flavors. This is by no means a daily drinking beer, but it is still a fine beer.

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