Saturday, March 1, 2008

#177 Sam Adams - Longshot Grape Pale Ale

This Long shot winner was Brewed by Lili Hess from Hawaii a Sam Adam employee. Sam Adams is proud to have employees that are homebrewers and had a special employee section of the Long Shot competition. This beer is brewed with natural grape flavors and maple syrup added.

There is a slight grape juice mixed with hops aroma to this beer. The color is reddish amber, and very clear. The head is thick and while with only a little retention.

The taste sweet with a mix of flavors making the sweetness. There is a maple syrup taste along with some light malt bring the sweet taste to the beer. The grape aroma isn't present in the taste. The mouthfeel is thin and drinkable. The finish is really where the maple taste lingers until it is no longer enjoyable.

This is a strange mixture of beer ingredients. It is almost like Lili Hess walked around the store looking for fermentables to add to beer. This isn't bad, but it's not very good either.

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