Saturday, March 15, 2008

#191 Guinness - Draught

To celebrate St. Patrick's day parade I am drink a Guinness. This is about as exotic as beer comes for many people. Guinness cans have a widget inside them which is a small ball filled with Guinness under higher pressure than the rest of the can, when the can is opened this high pressure Guinness is releases and foams up the rest of the beer.

This beer has a smooth creamy roasted coffee aroma. The color is coal black only allow red highlights to be seen when held to light. When poured the glass is filled with light brown bubbles dancing to the top of the glass as seen in this you tube video (Thanks Scudworth for the video). The head sits at the top of the glass a half inch high with prefect retention not dissolving with time or while drinking.

The taste is bitter with some dark malt flavors. The malt gives the beer a roasty biscuit and coffee flavor. There is a slight hop floral taste with a huge amount of bitterness. The mouthfeel is smooth and creamy, giving this the signature Guinness mouthfeel. The finish is dry and bitter, but not a sharp bitterness felt in the back of the mouth.

This is a fine beer, with lots of good characteristics. The smooth mouthfeel is great along with the head of foam that lasts the whole beer.

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