Monday, November 5, 2007

#60 New Belgium - Fat Tire

This is the first New Belgium beer I have ever seen for sale. It is carried at many bars in the St. Louis area and has been for years. This is New Belgium's signature beer and the only beer that many people know of when it comes to New Belgium.

Strong hop aroma from this Ale. Little grassy, and a little soapy is how I describe the smell. There color is a reddish brown that is clear enough to read through. There is a good thick head of foam and a supply of bubbles coming up from the bottom of the glass.

I can taste caramel malts and bitter hops. There is a strange taste in this beer that I don't know how to describe, it's maybe a little earthy or dirt tasting from the combination of the malt and hops. The bottle describes the taste as biscuit like, I have never been sure of that flavor maybe this is what I am tasting. The finish is very bitter, leaving a dry taste in my mouth.

I have not liked this beer before I knew much about how beer should taste and I still don't like this beer now that I know more about beer. I don't know what the taste is but I am not a fan. I am not inclined to think poorly of New Belgium yet, I have 4 more beers to try.


Woo Pig Brewey! said...

Sweet blog! I'll spend the next few weeks reading back through all your reviews I'm sure. I'll link you on my blog sometime this week.

Got any Diamond Bear from Little Rock on your to-do-list? I'm not sure how far their distibution is yet, they're pretty small. They make some great brews... especially their DB Pale Ale. It's got a couple of golds at the GABF.

William Nordmann said...

I'm glad you enjoy my blog, it's been a lot of fun drinking the different beers.

I haven't heard of Diamond Bear, I will look for them next time I am buying beer. If I can't find them I have a friend from Little Rock I might be able to talk into picking some up for me next time he goes home.