Sunday, November 25, 2007

#78 Cumberland Brewpub - Nitro Porter

After Thanksgiving I went to a local brewpub in Louisville's highland's neighborhood called Cumberland Brewpub. Cumberland brewpub only has to fermenters / barrels to make beer, and a nice setup to see the equipment in action. I am reviewing the Nitro Porter but I also tried a very tasty Yerba Mate Pale Ale or YMPA as they called it.

The Nitro Porter has a good dark malt coffee smell with a light hop flora aroma. The color is pitch black with a thick head of foam. At a glance this beer might be mistaken for a Guinness, and since it's served with Nitro I think it might be intended as a clone.

The porter has a smooth dark malt taste, with only a hint of hops. The finish is bitter more likly from the dark malt than the hops. There is also a very pronounced coffee taste to the beer's finish. Overall the mouthfeel is too thin for such a dark beer.

I enjoyed this beer and am eager to return to the brewpub to review more beers they offer.

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