Monday, November 12, 2007

#67 Anchor - Porter

No more New Belgium beers tonight, but a beer from a good craft brewery. Anchor steam was surprisingly mentioned on last nights Simpson's episode. I think Anchor deserves the plug for being such a founder craft beer.

This Porter has a nice sweet smell, like toffee, or chocolate. There is also a slight smell of mint in this beer. A solid black color, unable to see anything through with a thick brown head of foam, that doesn't quit.

This beer has a really good taste. There is plenty of dark malt sweetness, with the chocolate flavors. The mint smells I noticed are carried over to the taste, I don't think it is really a mint flavor, but I like the flavor I think the unknown flavor is caused the hops. I really wish I could describe the flavor better, but I can say it is very tasty. The mouth feel is a little thin for such a dark beer, but thats ok, it's nice to have thinner beers.

This is a good beer, I really wish I could pin-point the taste to describe it better, but I don't know what to say. I am normally not crazy about porters but this is a great one. Good job Anchor for making good beers other than the Anchor steam.

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