Sunday, November 4, 2007

#58 Anheuser-Busch - Bud Light

I went to a Charity Pub Crawl called the Bar Bounce for Angle Arms a charity that works with foster children and getting them homes. The Bar Bounce was in the Soulard neighborhood, which has a bar on every corner. The Bar Bounce provided free pitchers of Bud Light at each bar, I planned to drink a more unique beer for the blog after I got home, but I was too full of beer to drink anymore so Bud Light it is.

But light has very little smell some sweetness and light hops, well balance but not too strong. The color is a yellow straw color that is commonly associated with beer. The foam is well behaved, never over flowing and only present in the original pour with little head retention. There are till bubbles coming up from he bottom of the glass remind you the beer isn't flat.

The taste leaves a lot to be desired. There is plenty of sweetness and think that is caused by the use of some rice in the beer. There is a little hint of hops, just enough to keep it tasting like beer and not just a carbonated drink. The carbonation keeps the beer crisp and light making a good choice of beer to drink plenty of. There is a mouthfeel of water, nothing thick just something wet.

Living in St. Louis I drink plenty of bud light. If I have a choice I choose most beers before Bud Light, but if I am going to be drinking lots of beer it is a fine beer to have on hand. It's cheap, doesn't taste bad, and is supporting a local company.

Thanks to Flickr user sweetpea515 for the picture.

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