Sunday, November 11, 2007

#65 Samuel Adams - Holiday Porter

This is a beer from a multi-pack of Samuel Adams I bought for a party. I was hoping to blog about a few of the beers in the pack, but too many were drank so I have only this beer left. I might have to but a second pack of beer there were some good beers in the pack, but I didn't take the time to take notes about them, or drink them in front of the the computer so I can onlt write about what I have available.

Lots of dark malt aromas, there is the smell of sweet dark malt and a smell of some caramel. The beer is pitch black without any light passing through. There is a little head but not much.

I have to question the holiday side of this Holiday Porter. The only hints of Holiday is some spicy flavor but nothing clear, I can't make out any cinnamon, clove, nutmeg or ginger. I can clearly make out some porter sweetness, and a nice balanced hop bitterness. There is some spice but I can't define what it is, it could be from an odd hop adding a spice flavor.

This isn't a bad beer, its just not a good definite holiday spice beer. It's a fine porter, and it has a bit of spice making it a little different from a normal porter. I just wish I could make out some known spice, but maybe I just am having trouble tasting after there long night.

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