Thursday, December 27, 2007

#109 Homebrew - Holiday Spice Ale.

This was my first beer to be made from a recipe and not a kit, and the first to use a yeast cake from another batch of beer. I used the yeast cake from an IPA that had some remaining hops. The recipe was a basic ale that I had originally planed to use to make a pumpkin beer, but after all the bad pumpkin beers I had I didn’t want to make one. After a few weeks I added 1 star Anise, 1 whole nutmeg, a few cloves and 2 slices of fresh ginger all ground to a plump and left in the secondary for a few weeks. It was less than 1 ounce of spices for 5 gallons of beer, it looked like way too little.

The smell is nothing but spice, strong star anise licerious aromas, and not much other spice can be detected. The color is a hazy brown with a huge head of foam. The foam is massive, lots of large light brown bubbles. The head has tons of retention, it has been a few minutes and it is still thick in the glass. The beer was primed with boiled white sugar not corn sugar.

The taste is nothing but spice star anise, and maybe a touch of ginger. The finish makes my mouth water with some remaining sweetness and a little bitterness. The mouthfeel is thin, but since there isn’t a big malt profile it is ok.

As long as you like star Anise or licorice this beer will be good, and it is a good match with some spice cake. If you don’t like those flavors, then this beer is way too strong. In the future I will use less star anise or add it to the boil instead of the secondary.

#108 Samuel Smith - Winter Welcome Ale

More Christmas beers, since I took a break from them yesterday.

The aroma of this beer is full of caramel and malt. While the beer warms up I am getting light hop aromas. The color is light brown that is clear enough to see through. There is a full head of foam on the beer when first poured, but it drops off with a bit of time.

The beer has malt and caramel flavors with a sharp bitter taste. I am not getting any hop flavor to go with the bitterness, and the bitterness is strong through to the finish. I think the mouthfeel is a little thin, and doesn’t go well with a heavy malt beer. The bitterness leaves a bad taste in the back of my mouth, and drys it out, I think all the malt was cooked at a high temp to get the bitter taste.

This isn’t the worst Christmas beer I’ve had, but it is not much of a beer, and there is nothing very Christmas like about the beer. I think the heavy malt does lean towards the Christmas Ale beers, but this is a thin too bitter beer that is nothing much of a beer.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

#107 Kasteel - Rouge (Kriek)

I got this beer at Rich O's Public House is New Albany IN while visiting family in Louisville KY. Rich O's is a bar in the back of a Pizza restaurant in a small town. This place is a complete sleeper, I would never expect such a beer selection from such an unassuming place. They have a huge selection of draft beers, and more Belgium beers any store I've ever seen. Rich O's is #19 in Beer Advocte's top 50 places to have a beer.

This beer has a sweet cherry aroma. The color is a dark red, almost blood red, with very little foam. The lack of foam is common with a beer than has fruit or spices added.

The taste of this Belgium is pretty one sided with the Cherry. It's a bit sour, but mainly just cherry flavor. It's a good beer, but I like more taste, so the server recommended mixing Rouge chocolate stout and brought me a ounce of stout. The mixture was perfect. A good sweet creamy chocolate with a sour cherry flavor.

The Kasteel Rougue by itself is a little plain. It's perfectly drinkable and many people would enjoy it, but I like more to my beer. With the Rogue chocolate stout the two were a great treat. I know mixing beer can be a no-no for a beer purist, but I think it's a good way to go for these two.

Friday, December 21, 2007

#106 Wychwood - Bah Humbug

Another Christmas beer tonight.

This beer has a fruity, sweet cake smell, that makes my mouth water. The color is a clear red, with a thin head of foam.

The flavor of this beer isn't as sweet as I expected from the smell of the beer. The taste even drys out a little with some bitterness that quickly takes away from the sweet flavor. The mouthfeel is very thin and doesn't help the flavor. The finish is dry and bad tasting.

I really don't like this beer. It's a thin sweet smelling bitter beer. The label is nice and the smell seemed like it would match well with a Christmas beer, but the taste is no good. I can't even start to talk about if this is a Christmas beer because it's hardly a beer.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

#105 Winters Bourbon Cask Ale (Anheuser Busch)

This is Anheuser Busch's attempt at a bourbon cask ale. I wonder if they aged the batch entirely in a bourbon cask or added chunks of the cask to the ferments like the do with the beachwood. I was in Schlafly's cellar for the Homebrew Competition and saw their old bourbon casks, I was told they won't be used again and will be distributed as promotional material for the brewery and the distillery that they got the barrels from.

There isn't much smell to this Bourbon cask ale. A basic sweet malt smell with only a hint of bourbon. The color is a clear brown that is a bot on the orange side. The foam is very low, only a litter ring around the edges, it poured with some activity, but died down before long.

The taste has some bourbon flavors but they are poorly balanced. There is some sweet malt taste that is ok with the bourbon since bourbon is sweet. But there isn't much else to the beer beyond the bit of bourbon taste, it's too thin to be paired with the bourbon, very much like the Kentucky Ale Bourbon barrel. There is some bitterness to the beer, but it goes poorly against the bourbon taste.

Like the Kentucky Ale, if you want to use bourbon casks you need to make a big beer. Lots of malt and rich flavors. Throwing any old beer in a bourbon cask doesn't make a good beer. Like last nights beer, just because it has Christmas label doesn't mean its a Christmas beer.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

#104 Heavy Seas - Winter Storm

Heavy Seas was kind enough to put a note on the beer telling the style of the beer. This is a category 5 ESB extra special bitters. It's an English style that isn't too far removed from and English IPA.

The smell of this beer is very rich with hops, nice earthy grassy hops. There is also a hint of malt in the aroma, but just a hint next to the big hops smell. The appearance is a reddish color that is clear with a few bubbles coming from the bottom. There is a light ring of foam at the top of the glass, just on the edge.

This is a bitter beer, the bitterness caught me off guard and made me wince at the first sip. There is a pronounced bitterness that has a bit of malt sweetness to back it up. The hop bitterness is making the back of my mouth water. There is also some carbonation in the beer that is tingling on my tongue lightening the taste some.

The overall impression of this beer is bitter, and that is what an ESB is supposed to be. I was arguing my dislike for ESB verse my love of IPA's recently and I am glad this ESB backed up my feelings. I want hop flavor in my beer not just bitterness. What makes this beer a Christmas / Winter beer? The label is the only this I can tell that distinguishes it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

#103 De Dolle Brouwers - Stille Nacht

When ever I get a Belgium brewery that I can't fine information about I also wish I could speak Dutch, French, or German one of the languages of Belgium so I could learn more about the company. But with only my English I can't find too much reliable info about the company. I did find that Stille Nacht is "Silent Night" in German.

This beer starts with the Belgium beer aroma of spices and Belgium candi sugar. The pour is fizzy with almost no foam, and a steady flow of bubbles from the bottom, much like a Sprite. The color is amber, but cloudy with sediment floating in the beer. The sediment is shown in the closeup picture.

The beer starts sweet with a honey flavor, is quickly followed by a Belgium spice taste. There are fruity esters of bananas which is common with a Belgium beer. The mouthfeel is thick and smooth reminding me of honey and blends with the initial taste. The fizz from the pour only causes the beer to finish a bit dry, and doesn't add anything else. There is a light alcohol flavor to the beer but nothing strong enough to indicate this is a 12% beer. I am not getting any yeast flavors from the sediment, which is nice.

I really like this beer, the only Christmas characteristics are the extra sweetness and the high alcohol. I wonder if my bottle might be old since it had so much sediment and so little head. Regardless this is a fine beer.

Monday, December 17, 2007

#102 - Gouden Carolus - Noel

Gouden Carolus is a Belgium brewery that I am not familiar with, and can only find mention to other seasonal beers they make. With all the time spent of labels I am going to start getting better pictures of the more choice labels.

This beer smells like caramel and sweet malt, with a hint of fruit and hops. The color is a dark brown, but clear enough to see through. The head poured very thick, but has subsided to just enough to cover the top of the beer. The foam has good retention and is sticking to the side of the glass.

The taste is really different, lots of malts and sweetness, and almost a maple syrup flavor. The beer also has a good hop side to the flavor with some with some fruit taste. The fruit and the sweetness blend well with lots of dried fruit flavors raises and plums. The beer has a thick mouthfeel, that mixed with the syrup flavors comes across a bit too sweet. I think there

I think is this is great Christmas / Seasonal beer, but I don't think I would want one any other time of year. This is far too sweet and syrupy for a beer any other time.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

#101 Sam Adams - Old Fezziwig Ale

Yet another Sam Adam's beer.

The smell of this beer is malty with a good deal of holiday spice, there is some nutmeg and clover smells. The color is a dark brown that is opaque keeping light from coming through. The head isn't very thick, but has good retention and a nice brown color.

This beer has a great holiday tastes. There is plenty of nutmeg, cinnamon, and other Christmas spices with a strong enough taste to make the tongue tingle. There is only a hint of chocolate from the dark malts, and not much other malt characteristics. The mouthfeel is fully and tingly from the spiciness.

Normally I think Sam Adams beers are good examples of beers for the style, but a bit short of making a great beer. This beer has one of the highest levels of spice of all the holiday beers I have tried. I am really impressed with this beer, it is a great Christmas beer.

#100 Boulevard - Nut Cracker

I had this beer at Ciceros a bar well known for their beer selection. I previously didn't think much of there selection until my last trip there, they have a huge number of beer on tap and plenty of less common beers. I had this beer while on a Pub crawl with the St. Louis Brew home brew club and asked some members for there opinion, and I wasn't too far off the mark for the "experts". Then I waited a few days before writing this post so I only have notes to go on and feel like I won't be doing the beer a fair Justice, oh well.

The smell was heavy with malt and only a slight aroma of malt. The color is a medium brown with a thick head.

The taste was malt sweetness with some well balance hop flavor. There were fruity esters of prunes, and other dried fruits. There was also some carbonation in the mouthfeel leaving a tingly taste. The finished was bitter and a little too dry.

From my notes it seems like it was a good beer, but it was a long pub crawl and this was my last beer. The heavy malt flavors seem to be common among the Christmas beer and this one had the malt for sure.

Friday, December 14, 2007

#99 Anderson Valley - Winter Solstice

Another Anderson Valley beer bottles normally have a picture of bears with antlers. I guess the bear could be seen as a Christmas bear dressed like a reindeer. The bottle also has a paragraph about getting out winter cloths and drinking beers to keep you warm. I think a beer to keep you warm is a good approach to Christmas / Winter beers.

This beer has a spicy smell, but it's a hop spice not a winter spice. It's a good smell with fruity notes. The color is a medium brown that is clear except for all the bubbles. Tons of bubbles are floating up from the bottom making the beer look a little like champagne. The head is just thick enough to keep the top covered but it is long lasting thanks to the flow of bubbles.

For the hoppy smell the taste is very malty. The taste is sweet like caramel and cherries, balanced against the malty toast flavors. There is a little buttery diacetyl taste and slick roof of the mouth flavor left behind. The finish is a but bitter, but I think it's from the amount of grain being used and the not hops. I am really supprised the hops smell isn't present in the taste.

This is an ok beer. I was excited for lots of hops from the smell, and ended up with more malt, I really like my hops. I think this is an acceptable example of a Christmas / Winter beer, it's malty and rich with a bit extra alcohol.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

#98 Samuel Adams - Holiday Porter

Another Sam Adams beer. I always think Sam Adam's are such straight froward beers that they could be used for beer competitions to base the style on, or as calibration beers for to make sure the Judges are all judging the same. Just regular drinking beer.

There is a nice roasty, malty smell to this beer with a touch of caramel. The color is a very dark brown almost black, clear but too dark to see though. The foam is nice and thick, with brown bubbles.

This beer tastes malty and rich, with some coffee and caramel flavors. There is also a nice hop spice to the beer that complements the malt well. There could be some other spice flavors, more than just hops, but I am not getting them. The mouthfeel is a bit thin for such a dark malty beer, but I've seen the thin mouth before on porters. The finish is clean with a hint of chocolate.

I am not sure what makes this a "Holiday" porter, it's just a regular porter as far as I can tell. Malty and and easy drinking beer, nothing too fancy. Like a Sam Adams beer, it's beer and it's fine, nothing amazing nothing bad, just beer.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

#97 Great Lakes - Christmas Ale

Today I successfully choose a Christmas beer to review. I have plenty more Christmas beers to drink before the month is over. This beer has a very pretty label, unfortunately it's hard to photograph because of the curved bottle, but it's a train full of Christmas tree ornaments. From looking at Great Lake's site it's clear they put thought into all their labels.

This beer has a nice Christmas smell, with the fruit smells of cherries and apricots, and the spice smells of cloves and cinnamon. The color is a clear brown with tons of bubbles floating up. The beer poured with a nice head, but it has since passed and just a ring of foam is left behind.

The beer tastes strongly of Christmas spices clove, cinnamon and the most pronounced is ginger, but over all well balanced spice profile. There fruit tastes are not very strong at first but in the finish there is a nice fruity taste. There is also a full mouthfeel to there beer, and plenty of carbonation making it takes light.

This is what I am looking for in a Christmas beer, nice spice and fruit tastes. This is a beer that was made as a Christmas beer, and I think Great Lakes did a good job.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

#96 Casta - Super Premium

Tonight as I went to the beer fridge to get a Christmas beer I choose the first 12oz bottle I found, surprisingly the beer is not a Christmas beer. My friends Joe and Rachel got me this beer when they went to Mexico over Thanksgiving and got engaged. Casta is a Mexican craft, who developed an interest in brewing after studying in Philadelphia.

This is an effervescent dark beer, with a caramel and toffee aroma. There is also a sharp hop aroma to the beer, it gives a balance with the caramel. The color is a darker brown, but very clear. The beer pours with a lot of foamy head, but it quickly fizzes away. The foam is more like the foam on a citrus soda a sprite or 7-up.

The taste is sweet, and malty with a hint of spice but over all the taste is thin. The finish is a little bitter, and leaves a bit of aftertaste on the tongue. The real enjoyment of this beer comes from the fizzy light mouthfeel. This is like drinking carbonated water, or root beer.

I could see drinking lots of these beers on a hot Mexican day. I think the alcohol is on the low side, and with this light mouthfeel and not strong tastes. This is a big change for the heavy Christmas beers, and it's a nice surprise. Thanks Joe and Rachel this is an fun unique beer that I might otherwise not get to drink.

Monday, December 10, 2007

#95 Rouge - Santa's Private Reserve Ale

This Rogue beer mentions hops of the bottle and I am remind of the hop shortage. Because poor harvest, low profit, and a new trend towards growing corn for bio-fuel, there is a shortage on hops. Home brewers can't get some variety of hops, and the prices are going up. Brewery's like Anheuser Busch have purchased all of 2008 hops in advance make some variety only available to them. This might mean a lot more malty beers next year, and less IPAs on the market.

From my first whiff of this beer I got lots of hops. The smell is full of citrus and fruit aroma's that are common with American / California hops. The color is a dark red that reminds me of Santa's suit. The head is very thick and bubbly, much like an IPA.

Hops, and more hops is what is present in the beer's taste. I am only getting a hint of malt on the initial sip, but that is quickly overrun by the hops. The hops are sharp and bitter like unripe pineapple, leaving my mouth tingling and watering. The mouthfeel is a bit thin, unlike the sticky thickness of an IPA. The finish is a nice level of bitterness, giving a good taste.

This is a great beer for a hop head, but I have no idea what it has to do with Christmas, unless Santa's a hop head. I think the hops are a little over the top, and could use some balance against a bit of malt. A fine beer for someone liking hops, but stay away if you don't like bitter beer.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

#94 Delirium - Noël

The beer smells like a Belgium beer with fruit and spice. The color is a pale brown, and very hazy. The bottom of the bottle even has some particles, maybe yeast, floating in it. True to Belgium beers the foam is thick, but with no bubbles from the bottom.

This might be the most different Christmas beer so far. The taste is sour, and fruity with a bit of spice. The fruit taste is like raisin or some other dark fruit. There is also a warming to this beer, it might be from fusal alcohol, an off taste present in some beers. The sourness seems to mellow as I drink the beer which is good since I am not a fun of sour beer. The mouthfeel is heavy and smooth, except when too much sediment gets drank. A clean finish with just the warmth and a bit spice.

This is a fine tasting beer, I think the other Delirium beers are better. Not sure what make this any more Christmas than any other Delirium's. I am a little concerned about the sediment in the beer, maybe something was off in the bottling. I've included a picture of the sediment.

#93 Sierra Nevada - Celebration

Sierra Nevada has been putting out this seasonal for a few years. I talked with someone this weekend that said he always buys a case of the Celebration and lets it sit for a year before drinking it. I think I will have to try this.

The smell was rich and malty, with a slight hop smell, with a hint of alcohol in the aroma. The color is a clear brown, with a good thick head of foam, and plenty of bubbles from the bottom of the glass.

The beer taste hoppy, and spicy. There is a bit of the thick malt taste that has been common with the other Christmas beers, but more hops than others. There is a good alcohol warming from the beer that I think should be present in a Christmas beer. I think all the hops made the beer too bitter, and took away for the beer some. The mouthfeel was full also like a good Christmas beer.

A good example of what I think a Christmas beer should be. Very enjoyable.

#92 Schlafly - Christmas Ale

Another busy weekend another late set of posts. This weekend was busy one with the St. Louis Brews Home Brew club Competition. I drank LOTS of different beers. I stewarded the judging for category 18 Belgium beers, 10A APAs, and 23 Experimental Beers. Sitting with the judges I got to get some insight on beer judging that I hope I can add to this blog.

This beer came directly from the Schlafly taproom, I think its only on tap. On the smell I am getting sweet Cherries and some spiciness. The color is a Reddish brown with very little foam. It was served in a smaller snifter glass which help in the aroma.

The smell of the Cherries carried to the taste. It wasn't an artificial cherry taste or a citrus hop taste that some IPAs have, it was a nice sweet fruit taste. There is also a good amount of spice flavor to the beer from a combination of hops and spices.

I've had plenty of Christmas beer where I think a brewery took a normal batch of Ale and cranked up the malt, or adjusted the mashing temp some and called it a Christmas beer so they can say they have a Christmas beer. This is a beer that can no be mistaken for anything but a Christmas beer.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

#91 Abita - Chistmas Ale

Abita brewery is from 30 miles north of New Orleans Louisiana. They started as a brew pub seating only 100 and has grown to a large 62,000 barrel brewery. I've heard a lot of good things about the brewery and will look for other beer from them.

This beer has malt and caramel aroma, with a little hop and alcohol smell. The color is a clear brown, almost the color of the bottle the beer came in. This beer has a thick head of foam, that risked over flowing the glass when I poured it, and the foam has a good staying power.

This beer has a harsh tannin taste, that is a lot like the beer from yesterday. The taste is grainy, biscuit like, with hints of coffee. The finish is very dry, leaving a harsh taste at the back of my mouth. The mouthfeel is foamy and smooth, maybe the best part of the beer.

I am not too crazy about this beer. It is a lot like yesterday's beer, too much malt, and dry with tannins.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

# 90 Breckenridge - Christmas Ale

On their web site Breckenridge brewery has a recipe for pork chops made with this beer. I always love food cooked with beer. Maybe next year I'll do a "year of food cooked in beer", it would be hard on the days when I'm not home.

This beer has an earthy smell, like dust or dirt. There is a hint of malt to smell, but mainly I am getting the earthiness. The color is a dark brown or amber, and clear enough to read through for such a dark color. There is only a hint of foam to the beer, and there was no foam up while pouring.

The earthiness lightens in the taste, but is still present. The beer has a biscuit or toasted taste to it. I can taste the dark malt tannins and a hint of coffee. The mouthfeel is crisp, with plenty of bubbles on my tongue, a surprise of the amount of head. I am getting some hop spice, but not much, and there is some bitterness in the finish. The beer is 7% alcohol and I can't really taste it.

Overall this is an ok beer. I think the tannin taste is a bit too harsh, and not desirable. I think it is a good choice for a winter beer. This isn't a beer I would get a 6 pack of, but it's a fine seasonal sample.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

#89 Seriously Bad Elf

This is my last elf beer. I've got plenty of more seasonal / Christmas beers to drink. I heard that this beer's label got the beer banned in a state (forgot which Maine?) because it showed an elf with a sling shot. The interview with the Dan Shelton of the Shelton Brothers was on Craft Brew Radio coved the story, and gave a back ground into the last few beers.

This beer has some orange peel aroma, that reminds me of Belgium beer. There is a some smell to the beer maybe clove, or coriander, and there is a yeast smell too. The color is a dark yellow almost straw color, and very clear. The head is nice and thick.

The taste is very full of flavors, some fruit and spicy flavors. I am getting some strong banana flavors, nice and sweet. The spices in the beer make is a good example of a Christmas beer. The mouthfeel could be a little heavier and I don't really taste any hops. The finish carries the strong spice and fruit through the beer, making this beer very enjoyable.

I am really enjoying the fruit and spice in this beer. As the elves got worst the beers got better. I know there is also a criminally bad elf on the market but I don't know where I can get it. If it contiunes like the other 3 I would love to try some. THis beer is great.

Monday, December 3, 2007

#88 Very Bad Elf

Today's beer is the very bad elf. I just love the art work on these bottles. I heard an interview with from the Shelton Brothers that import the Elf beers. They get beer made at brewery and relabel to be imported to America.

This beer has fruity aroma, with some hops aroma, and some strong ale alcohol smells. The color is reddish brown, and very clear. There are lots of bubbles coming from the bottom of the glass, and slight ring of foam, just thick enough to block the view.

The beer has a rich taste with only a bit of hop flavor, but plenty of hop bitterness. There is a little lemon taste to the beer, making me pucker a bit. Also some alcohol wamness to the beer which is appropriate for a winter beer. The mouthfeel is thick, and reminds me a little like a Belgium beer. The finish bitter and sour and dry.

I like this beer it is tasty, and a lot better than the Bad Elf. Maybe a little more holiday spices would be be appreciated, but I think this beer is a good example of a Christmas \ Winter beer.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

#87 Bad Elf

This is beer part of a trio of beers imported from the Shelton Brothers with a holiday elf theme. I've included a closeup shot of the label because I really like the label.

This beer's smell reminds me or lager beer more than the Ale that it is. There is a sweet aroma, but with a hint of a spice. The color is a hazy dark yellow, I am almost see through the beer, but not fully. There is bit of foam ringing the glass and just covering the top.

The taste is slightly sour taste, with some yeasts. I think there is a high amount of hops in this beer but mainly bittering hops. The beer has a thick mouthfeel that reminds me of a Belgium beer. On the finish of the beer I am getting a light sweet fruit taste, and some bitterness.

I am not a big fan of this beer, I think it is too bitter. I am sure hope my this trend of not liking Christmas beers, it might be a long month of beer.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

#86 Samuel Adams - Winter Lager

For the month of December I plan to drink all Christmas and winter beers.

This smells like a lager, but a bit stronger. There is some spice aroma to this beer. The color is a brownish red, and clear. There is only a bit of foam surrounding the top, and a few bubbles coming up from the bottom.

This beer has a strong barley wine, bourbon aged, strong beer start but it doesn't seem to really have the follow through. I can't distinguish any spices but there is a spicy taste. There is a little hops to the beer, which might be giving the spice the taste. This beer is like many Sam Adams beers, just doesn't go all the way of making a great beer.

This beer has plenty of taste, but it's not that great. I am hoping for a better holiday beer tomorrow.

Friday, November 30, 2007

#85 Anderson Valley - Oatmeal Stout

Another Anderson Valley beer. Today on the Craft Beer Radio podcast they mentioned Anderson Valley as being a good brewery and a starting point for Craft beer fans.

The smell is full of dark malt and coffee aromas, maybe even some raisin aroma. The color is black though and through, can't see any light pass through the glass. There is only a bit of head.

The taste is rich, with dark malt and bits of hop. There is a coffee taste that stays with the finish of the beer. There is also some malt sweetness to the stout. The hops are only present to complement the malt, giving the beer a nice balance. The mouthfeel is medium, and the beer is crisp. Finishing with a strong coffee taste and some mouth drying.

This is a good example of a coffee stout. I am not the hugest stout fan, but this is a fine beer. I know there are plenty of lovers of stout and I think this beer would be perfect for them.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

#84 Anderson Valley - Amber Ale

Another beer from Anderson Valley, I really liked there IPA from a few days ago. This is from California a mecca for craft beer.

There is a strong hop smell to this beer with just a hint of roasted malt. The color is very dark for a beer called an Amber Ale, this is much darker than Amber, more brown like a porter. There is a thick lasting head of foam, making the beer very nice looking.

The hint of roast malt from the smell is still a hint in the taste. The beer has some malt sweetness, with the roast and a bit of hop bitterness. A well balanced beer with a number different tastes coming through cleanly. The finish is a touch dry, and the mouthfeel is a little thin, but this is a tasty beer.

For a amber beer that isn't an amber color this is a good beer. I would recommend this beer to someone that doesn't normally drink craft beer, and especially to any Guinness fans.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#83 Heavy Seas - Loose Cannon Hop Ale

This beer is called a hop ale and not an IPA. I guess the brewery can call there beer anything they want.

The beer smells hoppy, with a punch of hops, but the smell isn't too strong. From the smell I can start to see why the beer is called a hop ale and not an IPA, just not enough hops. The color is light orange with just a bit of haze. This is a strange color for a beer. There is bit of head at the top of the beer, but not the thick sticky IPA head.

This beer tastes like hops, maybe a little sweet, but mainly hops. There is a lot of bitterness not just in the finish, bitterness in the whole drink. The hops taste a little harsh and green, maybe a little like onion. The beer has a nice smooth mouthfeel.

I heard a recent beer review talk about the sweet and hoppy beer and I didn't know what they were talking about. After the last few days of hoppy beers I am starting to understand what they were talking about. This beer is nothing but hops and sweet, no real complexity. This beer doesn't taste bad, it just doesn't taste great.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#82 Dogfish Head - 120 minute IPA

I have heard a lot about this beer and I am really excited to try this beer. The name 120 minute means that this beer was brewed for 120 minutes as opposed to 60 minutes like most beers. Dogfish Head also makes a 90 minute IPA.

The smell is hoppy, but not in the same way as the Hop Ottin'. I am getting other flavors for the smell than just hops, I am getting some citrus fruit, and then some harsh astringent alcohol aroma, and even a little onion smell. The color is a golden red similar to most IPAs, and there is a thick head of foam on the top. Plenty of bubbles are coming up for the bottom to join the head.

With the first sip the taste buds are over loaded with different tastes too many to distinguish. The beer is sweet like a fortified wine like sherry, the sweetness is left on the lips after the beer is gone. Then the hops add a spice to the beer, not the normal hops flavor but a spice along with the sweetness. There is also a strong alcohol taste in this beer, that goes well with the sweetness. The finish leaves a fruity taste in my mouth. The mouthfeel is thick with some bubbles tingling on my tongue.

This is a very unique beer, with tons of taste. This isn't like any IPA I've ever had. The taste and smell of these hops unlike any other hops. I really like this beer it's different, but still tastes like an IPA, maybe a little too sweet, but still tasty. The label says this beer will age well, and I think some time might change the taste of this beer a lot.

Monday, November 26, 2007

#81 Anderson Valley - Hop Ottin' IPA

This beer has won many awards which is no small feat for an IPA which is one of the most popular beer styles. The brewery's web site says "Hop Ottin'" means hard working hops, a good thing for an IPA

This smells like an IPA, a hoppy west coast IPA. This beer smells like so much hops it puts a smile on my face. There is a little grass aroma to the hop smell. The color is golden clear with a think sticky head of foam. There are plenty of bubbles continuing up from the bottom of the glass.

I guess it's been a little while since I've had a hoppy IPA, but this beer is full of hops. I am getting lots of green, grass taste in the hops and no citrus or fruit. I can't taste any malt, just hops. My mouth waters from having just a sip, and my mouth is left with a after taste of hops that is a little unpleasing. The aftertaste is almost ashy, but maybe my taste buds are killed from the initial sip. The mouthfeel is medium which isn't surprising from the amount of hops in this beer.

If someone is looking for a hoppy beer this is a winner. Hop Heads do not apply this beer is over the top hoppy, but that isn't a always a bad thing. The after taste is a bit annoying and I will have to get a glass of water to wash it down when I am done. And I wouldn't recommend eating with a beer this hoppy.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

#80 Ommegang

This beer smells like a Belgian beer, with some notes of coffee, and sweet toffee. The color is a rich golden red, it looks clear but the color is so dark it still can't be seen through. Like a good Belgium beer the foam is good and thick, looks like a penny could be floated upon the foam.

This beer has a sour biscuitty, cereal taste. The sour taste is very clear which is not uncommon for a Belgian beer. The biscuit / cereal taste is a little odd, I am guessing a variety of grains are used for this beer. The beer finishes with some sourness, and the strange grain flavor. The mouthfeel is full, and smooth like a good Belgian. The beer also has some alcohol warmth and flavor.

I am not really happy with this Belgian beer. It is a tasty beer, but there are many better Belgian beers available. I would much rather have a Chimay over this.

#79 Melbourn Bros - Cherry

This is a spontaneously fermented beer, which means this beer does not have yeast added to it, instead the beer is fermented with an open top allowing wild yeasts to work on the beer. This is an old way of making beer from before people knew much about how yeast works. This style is often called a lambic, but I don't see this noted on the bottle.

This beer smells like cherry pie filling, there is a slight high alcohol smell too, but mainly cherries. The color is a clear red that looks like cherry juice. For being a beer with such a strong cherry notes there is a nice ring of foam on the top of the glass.

The taste is also full of cherries, tart cherries. The tartness in the beer drys my mouth like the bitterness of a hoppy IPA. This beer is spontaneously fermented, which tends to be more sour than traditional fermented beers, and this matches well with the sour cherries. I can't taste any hops or malt in the beer, but the bottle claims they are there. Sometimes when a beer has cherries in it the result is a beer that tastes like cough syrup, and that taste is not coming through on this beer

The bottle's tag line is "Beer with Cherry Juice added" and that is what the beer tastes like. This doesn't taste much like a normal beer, with all the cherry flavor, and the spontaneous fermentation. But sometimes a beer that doesn't taste normal is a good change. I wouldn't expect to drink very many of these, but it sure is tasty.

#78 Cumberland Brewpub - Nitro Porter

After Thanksgiving I went to a local brewpub in Louisville's highland's neighborhood called Cumberland Brewpub. Cumberland brewpub only has to fermenters / barrels to make beer, and a nice setup to see the equipment in action. I am reviewing the Nitro Porter but I also tried a very tasty Yerba Mate Pale Ale or YMPA as they called it.

The Nitro Porter has a good dark malt coffee smell with a light hop flora aroma. The color is pitch black with a thick head of foam. At a glance this beer might be mistaken for a Guinness, and since it's served with Nitro I think it might be intended as a clone.

The porter has a smooth dark malt taste, with only a hint of hops. The finish is bitter more likly from the dark malt than the hops. There is also a very pronounced coffee taste to the beer's finish. Overall the mouthfeel is too thin for such a dark beer.

I enjoyed this beer and am eager to return to the brewpub to review more beers they offer.

#77 Kentucky Ale - Ale

For Thanksgiving weekend I went to Louisville Kentucky to stay with my family. Knowing about the blog my mom had this Kentucky Ale waiting for me at Thanksgiving dinner. I have had the Kentucky Ale Bourbon Barrel beer, I think this is the base beer that is added to the bourbon barrels.

The smell is rich and malty, reminding me of a big beer. There is even a hint of sweet apple in the aroma. The color is a light brown and clear, lighter than the Bourbon Barrel but a similar color. A light head of foam with bubbles coming up from the bottom give this beer a nice look.

The taste is sweet and grainy and a little harsh. This reminds me or a watered down barleywine. I can't taste any hops, only the grain and malt flavors.

I said the Bourbon Barrel was using a too thin Ale to be added to Bourbon barrels, but if this is the base beer then I am mistaken. They are just using a crazy ale. I would not recommend any of Kentucky Ale's beers unless you want to try and beer with too much Bourbon.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

#76 Sam Adams - Cream Stout

Another Sam Adams beer. Not sure if I'll get a chance to write about the beers this Holiday weekend, but I will be drinking one each day.

This beer has a dark malt coffee smell, with a hint of something roast. The color is pitch black, I think I could hold a light on the other side and still not see through this beer. There is a little bit of foam at the top of the glass but not much.

The taste is rich and dark, with lots of dark malt. The coffee taste is only present as an aftertaste, with a pinch of bitterness. A good amount of hops is used in this beer with some floral flavors mixed with the dark malts. There is a light refreshing taste to this beer which is nice from a beer that can be rather heavy with all the dark malt. This is a nice smooth beer like the name "Cream Stout" suggests.

I like this beer with a refreshing taste on a dark beer. This is a lot more than a normal stout, and I like a beer that takes a style and makes it better.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

#75 Boulevard - Pale Ale

This beer is from Boulevard Brewery is Kansas City Missouri, and is available throughout the midwest. Boulevard with only 74 full time employees is on par with Schlafly Brewery which I frequently drink and review. One thing a little different about Boulevard is that they use twist off bottles as opposed to bottle caps requiring an opener like most craft breweries.

This beer has a great hoppy smell, I would swear this is an Indian Pale Ale and not just a Pale Ale. The foam is thick and white, almost over flowing the glass as I fill it. The color is a hazy gold, which is also common with IPAs.

The taste of this beer carries the hops for the smell, but not in the level of an IPA. I can taste so light citrus fruit flavors, but it's really light. There is some sweetness to this beer, that seems to smooth / weaken the taste of the hops. The finish on this Pale Ale is bitter, with hops but it is a weak finish. This tastes like a watered down IPA.

Over all this is a fine drinking beer, but nothing great. I think this is a good introduction beer for someone to learn about craft beer, and beer with more taste. It's more than a Sam Adams, but less than a strong IPA. I would order this at a bar, and recommend it to a friend.

Monday, November 19, 2007

#74 Red Stripe

Red Stripe is a Jamaican beer and brewery, they also brew a Red Stripe light, but I've never seen it for sale. Red Stripe's popularity is US grew from tourists to Jamaica getting to know the beer on vacation and Jamaican ex-patriots. Guinness Brewing Worldwide has a 51% ownership of Red Stripe Brewery.

This Lager beer starts off with the standard lager smell. I am not getting the chalky smell I get from other lagers, but instead a kind of yeasty malt smell. This beer is a very light straw color that is so light it is almost transparent, in a tinted glass this might be mistaken for water. There is plenty of carbonation in this beer, with plenty of bubbles coming up from the bottom.

A very slight malt sweetness with some refreshing sourness, almost lemon taste. This beer has a crisp taste that leaves a dry finish. There is an ever so slight hops taste that is balanced with the slight malt taste. Not too complex, but enjoyable. The carbonation lends to a fuller mouthfeel.

This is a nice drinking beer. There are beers with more taste on the market, but for such a widely distributed beer this is just fine. Easy to drink and more taste than the standard light beer. Hooray, beer!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

#73 Anheuser-Busch - 2007 Brew Master Private Reserve 2007

In the trend from this weekend and Special Releases from St. Louis Breweries tonight I have a special release from Anheuser-Busch. I've seen this for sale before at the store and been curious about it. I think it is release every year and is available throughout the country. It's always fun to see what special beer such a big brewery can create.

In the smell of this beer I am again getting a light chalky smell that I have gotten from other Lagers. I might be interpreting this smell incorrectly. I can also smell so malt sweetness, but no noticeable hops. The color is a rich brown that is crystal clear. There is a good thick head of foam on the beer that even makes it hard to pour.

This beer has a strange taste. I can get some high proof alcohol taste, and some sweetness. There is also some conflicting hops flavor that is not well balanced with the malt. There is a slight bitterness and a grainy taste at the finish of the beer. The bottle says this beer is brewed with four different malts, that could be causing the odd taste, I think I have noticed this taste in home brews brewed with a number of different malts. The mouthfeel is medium with a bit of carbonation.

This is a big changes from Bud Light, but change is not always good. This beer has a very strange taste, I wonder if it would get better with a little age. I am interest in getting another and letting it sit, but this is an eleven dollar Magnum (1.5 liters) of beer that I am going to have to force down, I don't think I'll be rushing to buy anymore. I am excited to get the nice bottle to use for my home brew if that counts for anything.

Friday, November 16, 2007

#72 Schlafly - 2007 Barleywine

Just after midnight and I am drinking the second half of my Schlafly Barlywine vertical. This beer was bottled a few months ago, and just recently went for sale. The bottling was reviewed on STLHops another St. Louis beer blog.

This beer has a floral smell with only a slight amount of sweet aroma. This beer has a light brown color and is very clear. This 2007 has a lighter color that the 2006, and the 2006 is clearly cloudy compared to the 2007. This 2007 still has a good head of foam.

This beer has a strong malt taste and sweetness. There is also a harsh astringent taste to this beer, with an alcohol warmth. This beer has a bitter taste that is harsh when tied to the alcohol warmth. There is an almost medicine taste to this beer. The mouthfeel is thick, but it almost leaves a skim on the top of my mouth in the thick taste.

When comparing the two beers I really liked the 2006 a lot more than the 2007. The 2006 taste might need a little evening out of the taste, but the 2007 has a harsh taste that needs a lot of smoothing out. I plan buy some more of both beers and see how they taste in 2008.

#71 Schlafly - 2006 Barleywine

Tonight just before midnight I am drinking a 2006 Schlafly Barleywine then after midnight I will drink a 2007 Barleywine. This drinking of two different years back to back for comparison is called a vertical. Barleywine's are high proof beers that are intended for sipping from smaller glasses.

There is plenty of dark malt aroma and sweetness in this beer. The aroma reminds me of Belgium beers, I think it is the high alcohol and high quantity of malt needed to get the high alcohol. This beer has a brown color that is clear enough to see though but only slightly. There is a nice head of foam on this beer that has a good staying power.

There are a lot of flavors in this beer. There are some fruity flavors a little like apples. This beer doesn't have any harsh alcohol taste for a 10% beer. The taste isn't completely smooth it starts with the fruit but gets washed away with the foam and then finishes a touch dry with a hint of bitterness. The mouthfeel is feel nice a full with the lots of carbonation.

I really like this beer, I like heavy beers like this that are sipped and not just drank for the sake of drinking. I think a more smooth taste would be nice. I am excited to drink the 2007 and compare the two side by side.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

#70 Sam Adams - Pale Ale

I found this Sam Adam's beer in the fridge. I've bought 2 multi-packs of Sam Adams so I am not sure where this beer came from. It might be a few months old, which could be taking away from the taste.

This beer has a nice hop aroma with some citrus. There is also some sweetness in the smell, it reminds me of a German beer. The color is a pale straw color. And the head is small but there are plenty of bubbles coming up from the bottom of the glass.

The taste is dry, with lots of hops. I think these are German hops because it keeps reminding me of German beers. I am getting some chalky dryness from this beer, I think it is related to the water source. This beer finished very dry with a little after tastes. The mouthfeel has a little feel from all the carbonation.

I do not like this beer. It reminds me of all the German beers I don't like. Dry and with a hops that I don't like the taste of. Chalky start and a harsh finish. Not an enjoyable beer.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#69 Anheuser Busch - Bud Select

Tonight I went to Lemmon's Bar for trivia night. They have a better than average selection of beer but I ended up with a bucket of Bud Select to drink.

Bud Select had a little hops in the smell, but it was in a bottle so I couldn't get a good sniff. I know the color is a straw color, but a bit darker than normal. Lots of carbonation in this beer, but I can't judge the head since it was still in the bottle.

I recently complained that Bud Light doesn't have much taste, but that is not the case with Bud Select. Bud Select has a bitter, sour, maybe little skunky taste. I could only taste the slightest hint of sweetness in the beer, mainly the bitterness came though. The beer finished dry with little remaining taste which is odd for such a bitter taste. There is also a lot of carbonation in this beer which is really nice.

For a cheap 99 calorie beer this is an ok beer. I won't call it good, but it is better than Bud Light. I am holding off on the commercial beers for nights like this when it's more convenient to drink a commercial large company beer than the smaller craft beers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#68 Anchor - Liberty Ale

This is the last Anchor beer I currently have. I will be searching for more.

This beer has a strong smell of hops, very floral, reminds me of summer time. I am getting a little chalky, dust smell from this Ale. The color is a reddish straw with a light haze. The foam is very thick and bubbles are still coming up from the bottom. This thick head seems to be a standard thing with Anchor beers.

This beer has a bitter almost sour flavor. I am only getting a little bit sweetness from this beer, but the bitterness and sour taste is strong, it reminds me of lemon aid, but just a little. This ale has a great mouthfeel, lots of foam making it nice and full. The bubbles in this beer arn't harsh like in some highly carbonated, beer they are small bubble a lot like the Anchor Steam.

This is a fine beer. The taste is a little odd, but still good. I enjoyed the other Anchor's more but they all seem to have a similar taste. The large quantity of bubbles makes me think Anchor is using a unique yeast or unique carbonation method. All the beers have had fruity hop notes. I've enjoyed these Anchor beers.

Monday, November 12, 2007

#67 Anchor - Porter

No more New Belgium beers tonight, but a beer from a good craft brewery. Anchor steam was surprisingly mentioned on last nights Simpson's episode. I think Anchor deserves the plug for being such a founder craft beer.

This Porter has a nice sweet smell, like toffee, or chocolate. There is also a slight smell of mint in this beer. A solid black color, unable to see anything through with a thick brown head of foam, that doesn't quit.

This beer has a really good taste. There is plenty of dark malt sweetness, with the chocolate flavors. The mint smells I noticed are carried over to the taste, I don't think it is really a mint flavor, but I like the flavor I think the unknown flavor is caused the hops. I really wish I could describe the flavor better, but I can say it is very tasty. The mouth feel is a little thin for such a dark beer, but thats ok, it's nice to have thinner beers.

This is a good beer, I really wish I could pin-point the taste to describe it better, but I don't know what to say. I am normally not crazy about porters but this is a great one. Good job Anchor for making good beers other than the Anchor steam.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

#66 New Belgium - Abbey

This is my last New Belgium beer from the 6 pack I bough last week. I had the break the streak for over the weekend because I had a lot going on and wanted to have plenty of time to drink this beer and enjoy it. I am very impressed with New Belgium and plan to continue drinking their beers, and seeking out more styles to enjoy.

This beer has an authentic Trappist beer smell. Some sweetness and a little coffee aroma from the dark malts and some nutmeg spice aromas. This beer is a dark brown, but clear enough to see through when held to the light. The foam is nice and thick but no carbonation after the beer is poured. Over all the beer looks just like the picture on the bottle.

The taste is well balanced. There is some almost toffee like sweetness, and a hint of sourness. There is some Belgium characteristic spicy flavors. There is some coffee flavor that matches the smell, but its very light, and just a slight bitterness. The mouthfeel is nice and thick making making it a beer that your don't want to drink too many of.

This is another great beer from New Belgium, they do a good job meeting the Belgium style of beer. I think will have to buy more of this beer, much like the Trippel is a cheaper version of the Belgium beers that are so good.

#65 Samuel Adams - Holiday Porter

This is a beer from a multi-pack of Samuel Adams I bought for a party. I was hoping to blog about a few of the beers in the pack, but too many were drank so I have only this beer left. I might have to but a second pack of beer there were some good beers in the pack, but I didn't take the time to take notes about them, or drink them in front of the the computer so I can onlt write about what I have available.

Lots of dark malt aromas, there is the smell of sweet dark malt and a smell of some caramel. The beer is pitch black without any light passing through. There is a little head but not much.

I have to question the holiday side of this Holiday Porter. The only hints of Holiday is some spicy flavor but nothing clear, I can't make out any cinnamon, clove, nutmeg or ginger. I can clearly make out some porter sweetness, and a nice balanced hop bitterness. There is some spice but I can't define what it is, it could be from an odd hop adding a spice flavor.

This isn't a bad beer, its just not a good definite holiday spice beer. It's a fine porter, and it has a bit of spice making it a little different from a normal porter. I just wish I could make out some known spice, but maybe I just am having trouble tasting after there long night.

#64 Tsing Tao

I drank this beer at Growlers a bar that carries over 100 different beers, many on tap. I choose this beer because it was from China and I don't see many beers from China. Like any time I drink a beer not in front of my computer I take notes to blog later. Unfortunately I lost my notes and with have to go off a slight memory of this beer. To make things worst I've been so busy I havn't gotten to write this post until two days later. I did drink a different beer that day as planned I am just writing a poor blog entry on it

It's a Lager beer with a standard lager smell, a sweet smell with little other character. It's a straw color with very little head, but some bubbles coming up from the bottom. This beer comes in a green bottle which can cause the beer to get skunked sometimes on purpose.

The taste was a pretty standard lager. Not too much taste just some sweetness. This beer had an odd chalky taste that I think might be from the water in China but I don't know much about the water there. There was a little skunk is the flavor, but not much.

I didn't like this beer, it reminds me of many other mediocre lagers I've drank is the past. It's beer thats for sure, but thats all I can say.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

#63 New Belgium - Trippel

I've had a few Belgium beers so far in my year of beer. Belgium beers became famous in monasteries where the monks made beer to support themselves, serve to their guests, and over all keep themselves busy since monks are allowed very little free time.

This beer has a very distinct Belgium aroma, notes of banana, nuts, and a little sourness. This beer has a good thick head of foam that reduces to covering of foam that stays through the beer. The color is gold and clear.

This beer has a taste taste that follows closely to the aroma. There is a great banana taste with a rustic nut taste. There is also some sourness but it is very light and blends well with the taste. This beer leaves a great banana fruit taste in my mouth that makes me excited to have another sip. The mouthfeel is nice a full with lots of bubbles.

This is a wonderful beer. New Belgium should be proud they lived up to their name and made a Belgium style beer in America. This beer might be a little better behaved with less harsh tastes than a true Belgium but that isn't a bad thing. I will be buying more of this beer because it is cheaper than true Belgium's and just as good.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

#62 New Belgium - 1554

This is a Enlightened Black Ale according to the bottle. According to the web site this is supposed to be what beer tasted like in 1554. I am skeptical that beer was this good in 1554, I would think there would be more off flavors from poor sterilization techniques. but I can't be sure.

This beer has a strong coffee aroma, with a hint of hops. I think this beer smells a lot like the Sam Adams Black Lager, which isn't surprising since the are both black beers. The color is black for sure, with almost no head. Only a few bubbles are at the top of the glass, but no head to really speak of.

The coffee aroma is present in the taste, but there are other flavors. There is a sweet dark malt taste, and some caramel to go with the coffee. This beer has a hint of hops to go with the heavy malt tastes. There is a nice foamy feel to the beer that normally is accompanied with a large head of foam. Other than the carbonation the mouthfeel is a little thin for such a dark beer. Only a little bitterness in the finish of the beer makes it easy to drink and enjoy.

I really like this beer. As the weather gets colder this is the kind of beer I am looking to drink. The mouthfeel could use to be heavier but the taste is still enjoyable. I really like this beer and will happily buy some more

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

#61 New Belgium - Skinny Dip

Another new Belgium tonight. This one is a light beer which is different since most craft breweries don't make light beers. Making a good tasting light beer can be tricky since the basic idea of brewing is adding sugar to yeast to make alcohol and sugar = calories. Also a light beer has a stigma of watery bad tasting beer.

I smell some yeast in the this beer. I also smell some citrus aromas from this Skinny Dip. This beer has a medium straw color, with lots of big bubbles. The foam on this beer is not subsiding and the bubbles coming from the bottom of the glass are larger than normal.

I taste some hops in this beer, a clear hop flavor that is like smelling a bowl of hops, maybe a raw hop flavor would be a good description. I think this beer has a nice clean taste that leaves only a slight bitterness in the mouth. I can taste the slightest hint of citrus when drinking this beer, it blends well with the hop flavor. By no means a full bodied beer this one has a light beer mouthfeel, something close to water.

In that past I never paid any attention to this beer. But I think the hops in this beer and the clean taste make this one worth sampling. I think this is a great summer time drink, light and refreshing with low alcohol at 4.2%.

Monday, November 5, 2007

#60 New Belgium - Fat Tire

This is the first New Belgium beer I have ever seen for sale. It is carried at many bars in the St. Louis area and has been for years. This is New Belgium's signature beer and the only beer that many people know of when it comes to New Belgium.

Strong hop aroma from this Ale. Little grassy, and a little soapy is how I describe the smell. There color is a reddish brown that is clear enough to read through. There is a good thick head of foam and a supply of bubbles coming up from the bottom of the glass.

I can taste caramel malts and bitter hops. There is a strange taste in this beer that I don't know how to describe, it's maybe a little earthy or dirt tasting from the combination of the malt and hops. The bottle describes the taste as biscuit like, I have never been sure of that flavor maybe this is what I am tasting. The finish is very bitter, leaving a dry taste in my mouth.

I have not liked this beer before I knew much about how beer should taste and I still don't like this beer now that I know more about beer. I don't know what the taste is but I am not a fan. I am not inclined to think poorly of New Belgium yet, I have 4 more beers to try.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

#59 New Belgium - Blue Paddle

I recently picked up 6 different New Belgium beers from World Market in their loose beer section. I've always heard good things about New Belgium brewery and I am looking forward to my beers for the next 6 days.

This beer has a sweet lager smell with hints of lemons. Also in traditional lager fasion the beer is clear enough to read through with a yellow straw color. A nice head of foam is there ins the start of the beer, but it subsides after a few seconds.

This beer has a bitter flavor that is almost sour. I can taste a bit of sweetness, but mainly bitterness. This beer leaves my mouth dry for all the bitterness. The mouthfeel is pretty thin. My mouth is left with a dry unpleasant taste.

I'm not really crazy about this beer. I think the bitterness is too much, I would like something else in the flavor. For a lager is this is one of the more creative I've ever tasted.

#58 Anheuser-Busch - Bud Light

I went to a Charity Pub Crawl called the Bar Bounce for Angle Arms a charity that works with foster children and getting them homes. The Bar Bounce was in the Soulard neighborhood, which has a bar on every corner. The Bar Bounce provided free pitchers of Bud Light at each bar, I planned to drink a more unique beer for the blog after I got home, but I was too full of beer to drink anymore so Bud Light it is.

But light has very little smell some sweetness and light hops, well balance but not too strong. The color is a yellow straw color that is commonly associated with beer. The foam is well behaved, never over flowing and only present in the original pour with little head retention. There are till bubbles coming up from he bottom of the glass remind you the beer isn't flat.

The taste leaves a lot to be desired. There is plenty of sweetness and think that is caused by the use of some rice in the beer. There is a little hint of hops, just enough to keep it tasting like beer and not just a carbonated drink. The carbonation keeps the beer crisp and light making a good choice of beer to drink plenty of. There is a mouthfeel of water, nothing thick just something wet.

Living in St. Louis I drink plenty of bud light. If I have a choice I choose most beers before Bud Light, but if I am going to be drinking lots of beer it is a fine beer to have on hand. It's cheap, doesn't taste bad, and is supporting a local company.

Thanks to Flickr user sweetpea515 for the picture.

Friday, November 2, 2007

#57 Sierra Nevada - Stout

It's starting to get cold in St. Louis so I am thinking I need to move to more dark beers, and winter warmers. Todays is another stout from Sierra Nevada an always enjoyable brewery.

Starting off this beer has a strong caramel smell coming from the dark malts used to make this beer. I can't smell any hops which is acceptable for this style beer. The stout is a very dark brown that can only barely be seen through when held to light. A great head of foam is poured from the bottle that makes this been look good.

The taste starts sweet but is quickly overcome by a strong bitterness. There is some chocolate flavor left on the palate to complement the bitterness. This beer has a great smooth mouthfeel that adds to the chocolate taste making me think that some Halloween chocolate would go well with this beer.

Stouts are normally enjoyable. Dark color, smooth mouthfeel, and strong tastes. This is a good example of a stout, maybe a little on the bitter and short on the malt sweetness. But without a doubt this is a good beer.