Sunday, December 9, 2007

#92 Schlafly - Christmas Ale

Another busy weekend another late set of posts. This weekend was busy one with the St. Louis Brews Home Brew club Competition. I drank LOTS of different beers. I stewarded the judging for category 18 Belgium beers, 10A APAs, and 23 Experimental Beers. Sitting with the judges I got to get some insight on beer judging that I hope I can add to this blog.

This beer came directly from the Schlafly taproom, I think its only on tap. On the smell I am getting sweet Cherries and some spiciness. The color is a Reddish brown with very little foam. It was served in a smaller snifter glass which help in the aroma.

The smell of the Cherries carried to the taste. It wasn't an artificial cherry taste or a citrus hop taste that some IPAs have, it was a nice sweet fruit taste. There is also a good amount of spice flavor to the beer from a combination of hops and spices.

I've had plenty of Christmas beer where I think a brewery took a normal batch of Ale and cranked up the malt, or adjusted the mashing temp some and called it a Christmas beer so they can say they have a Christmas beer. This is a beer that can no be mistaken for anything but a Christmas beer.

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