Sunday, December 9, 2007

#93 Sierra Nevada - Celebration

Sierra Nevada has been putting out this seasonal for a few years. I talked with someone this weekend that said he always buys a case of the Celebration and lets it sit for a year before drinking it. I think I will have to try this.

The smell was rich and malty, with a slight hop smell, with a hint of alcohol in the aroma. The color is a clear brown, with a good thick head of foam, and plenty of bubbles from the bottom of the glass.

The beer taste hoppy, and spicy. There is a bit of the thick malt taste that has been common with the other Christmas beers, but more hops than others. There is a good alcohol warming from the beer that I think should be present in a Christmas beer. I think all the hops made the beer too bitter, and took away for the beer some. The mouthfeel was full also like a good Christmas beer.

A good example of what I think a Christmas beer should be. Very enjoyable.

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