Tuesday, August 5, 2008

#334 Sam Adams - Summer Ale

This beer has a noticeable spice aroma with hint of lemon. The color is a light yellow and very clear. The head pours medium with some retention keeping the beer covered in foam.

The taste is a little fruit with a nice balance of spice, but an odd spice. The fruit flavor taste more like rotten fruit than fresh lemons. There is some wheat flavor, but it is hidden behind the fruit and spice. The mouthfeel is light and effervescent. The beer finishes with a musty fruit flavor.

I am not a fan of this beer, the spice is strange and the fruit tastes moldy. It's easy to drink if not much attention is paid to the taste.

1 comment:

toni said...

I agree that the fruit taste is a little "off." However, I love the spice. It's Grains of Paradise, an obscure African spice. I bought this beer for the spice alone. It's like pepper, but with the essence of cardamom and coriander. It was tasty going down this afternoon. That said, I believe a different brewery would have done a better job with the spice. Not a huge fan of Sam Adams.