Wednesday, May 14, 2008

#251 Left Hand - Milk Stout

A milk stout is a stout sweetened with lactose a sugar derived from milk. The lactose is used because it is a non-fermentable sugar and the yeast will not eat it.

The aroma is has a heavy roast malt flavor with coffee and a light burn toast. The color is black with just a little light shining through. The head pours thick and has good retention.

The taste is very sweet, different than the normal mat sweetness this is a more candy like sweetness. There is a coffee but it is second to the sweetness. The taste is a lot like a cup of coffee with a lot of sugar and a little milk. There is no noticeable hop flavors of bitterness, all like covered by the lactose sweetness. The mouthfeel is very smooth making the beer easy to drink. The finish is sweet with some coffee flavors.

I've never had a milk stout before, and I really like this. The taste is different and I really enjoy the smooth mouthfeel.


Mockwerks said...


You should try the Japanese version of a milk stout. I can't remember the name, but the logo is a little owl.

Mighty tasty.

Anonymous said...

I just tried the Japanese Milk Stout with the little bird. It was good, but not the best Milk Stout I've had. I'm hoping to try the Left Hand sometime, but it isn't around these parts. :-(