Wednesday, May 7, 2008

#244 Dogfish Head - Indian Brown Ale

More beer from Dongfish Head. This is an Indian Brown Ale not a reconized bjcp style but a hybrid style of a brown ale and an IPA ending with a highly hopped malty beer.

This beer has a rich dark malt aroma with coffee and molasses characteristics. There is a slight hint of hop aroma, with some floral citrus notes. The appearance is a very dark brown with just a bit of light shining through. The head is thick with moderate retention.

The taste is malty and sweet with a brown sugar flavor. There is a very slight taste a tannins and leather, coming from all the dark malt. The hops come through with a floral, grassy flavor and some mild bitterness. There is a slight alcohol taste in this beer, it is 7.2% so it is not completely surprising. The mouthfeel is full giving the dark beer some body behind it. The finish is sweet with hints of dark malt and bitterness.

This is a great beer, lots of flavors and easy to drink. Dogfish Head can get carried away making good beers that are too over the top. This be is flavorful and balanced, good everyday drinking beer, just be careful of the 7.2%.

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