Saturday, May 3, 2008

#240 Unibroue - 16

This beer is made to celebrate Unibroue's 16th anniversary. I also have the Unibroue 17 to drink at midnight and compare the two.

The smell is fruity with some Belgian spice characteristics. The color is a pale brown with some red hues, the beer is very cloudy. The head pours medium and has some retention keeping the top of the beer covered.

The beer start with some malt sweetness with a light honey taste. The fruit aroma is just a slight hint of fruit tastes. The Belgian spice flavors of cloves and coriander are pronounced and balanced against the malt sweetness. The mouthfeel is medium, not as full as some Belgian style beers. The finish has some spice flavors.

This is a good beer. Lots of flavors all blending well. I am excited to try the 17. I wonder how different the two will be. Each year might use a unique recipe and the two beers will be vastly different.

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