Tuesday, May 20, 2008

#257 Flying Dog - Kerberos Tripel

This is the latest beer in Flying Dog's Canis Major Series, a series made up of higher proof "Big Beers". This is the fourth beer allows Flying Dog to start marketing and selling all four beers in a 4 pack. I again got this beer mailed directly from Flying Dog.

This beer's aroma has some fruity esters with some Belgian clove spice notes. The color is an amber with some hazy keeping the beer hard to see through. The foam is very low, just a hint around the edges.

The taste is sweet with some honey flavors. The Belgian spice flavors are strong, almost biting in strength. There are some fruity esters closely related to apple. This beer is well carbonate with a smooth full mouthfeel. The finish drys out leaving some biting spice flavors.

This is a fine basic Tripel. Little to dry on the finish and I really enjoy the banana flavors that are missing in this beer, but really that's just splitting hairs.

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