This is an Anheuser-Busch beer brewed under the name of Blue Dawg. This beer was first served last year at the St. Louis Heritage Festival. According to this story A-B decided to market this beer after the long lines of people wanting this beer. I was at that festival and I remember long lines around all the fruited beers.
This beer has a pronounced berry smell with a hint of citrus sour aroma. There is also a slight hop aroma to the beer. The beer is clear with a purple color as shown in the picture of the glass.
Head is not very thick, and it quickly fizzes away. Head retention is a problem in beers with fruit added.
This beer starts with a sweet taste and some blueberry flavor. This beer is only 8% alcohol but the the alcohol flavors come across very strong and overwhelming. The finish is sweet and alcohol filled.
This beer tastes like blueberries and sugar dissolved in vodka. I am glad I only got one bottle so I don't have to figure out what to do with the remaining 5. I think this beer might be better with higher levels of carbonation that is possible from draft beer, like what they served at the Heritage Festival. The more carbonation might blend the sweet and alcohol flavors better.
My friend got this without realizing it was A-B. I mean, how could you? It just seems to be some obscure brewer in New York somewhere, and there's nothing anywhere on the packaging with any hint of A-B or Budweiser.
This beer sucks. Period. If A-B gets bought out, the one thing I could take comfort in in light of how deeply St. Louis's economy would suffer would be the fact that A-B's faux-craft beer line would likely be among the cuts.
"This beer tastes like blueberries and sugar dissolved in vodka."
Right on the money. God knows what we'll do with the remaining 4. What food could anyone possibly pair this stuff with?
my husband and just returned from a week at the oregon coast, having newly discovered Wild Blue at the small local store.It was a fabulous discovery! The season is all about berries and yet warm windy days at the beach call for a cold beer!the combo of this product was perfect for us! i enjoy wine, but my husband does not...i could pour the beautifully colored brew in a stemmed glass and fully enjoy it! My husband could have a beer that was a full bodied drink with a NW flair!
there are a variety of 'beers' out there. this is not traditional but IS delicious!
Food pairings? whoa! we had smoked mussles and crackers, also smoked salmon, sliced eggs, pistacios, b-b-q'd sausages...and more!
I too bought this beer without realizing it was AB. I felt schnooked. I was really looking for Sea Dog Blue Paw from Maine. (I liked it so did my wife) But BLUE DAWG SUCKS! It had a finish like cough syrup and did I say I felt misled. I did like blue dawg's color. I was cute and a pale blue/red
I like the idea of drinking a different beer every day. Wild Blue is not beer, it is a liquid jolly rancher. I like the flavor and the buzz but it is like drinking liquid candy rather than beer.
I don't understand how anyone could give a beer like this one such a bad rep? Let me try to sum this into a category of people who like Corona or Heineken. The beer has a great taste with the perfect amount of alcohol involved. Not many beers on the shelf can account for having 8%, besides the beers that do, have great taste? This beer is sweet, but not too sweet. I love it! And if you like a Carona or a Heineken, then you love this.
Keeping an open mind, I ended up deciding Wild Blue is pretty damn acceptable stuff. The sweetness of the blueberry flavor was shocking at first, but it didn’t stick with me forever like the awfulness that is Mike’s Hard anything. I’d taste it, then the lager-y flavor kicked in and the sweet went away. I wasn’t haunted by blueberry all night. It also didn’t have that I’m-totally-gonna-kick-your-ass-and-we-both-know-it taste that a lot of high-alcohol content beers have, so it seems to have a tendency to sneak up on ya — but in a very good way. So yeah, Wild Blue. I totally get why it got terrible reviews, but I think it’s surprisingly decent. You just can’t drink it expecting it to be, well, beer.
If I ever have a friend over who claims to not like beer, Wild Blue might be a good gateway drink. And damn, you would NEVER know it’s 8% alcohol if it didn’t say so on the bottle, and then proceed to knock you flat on your ass. Never in a million years.
You know I liked it !
This stuff is true Date Bait. Women love it & it's 8% strong.
I do have to say it tastes more like a bubble-y wine. But serious, the girls love it and that works for me.
We live in Fort Collins Colorado, Fort Collins is a Brewery town, home to many serious breweries like Fat Tire. We know beer & women! If the girls like to drink it, that's good enough for me !
Your all fucking tool bags with no taste whatso ever, fucking inbred hillbilly fucks, YEAH LETS DRINK SOME COORS Hoss!! TOOOLS this shit rocks u all dont know your fucking ass form a hole in the ground. IDIOT inbred cousin fucking lameasses.
My boyfriend is a bit of a beer expert, so I like the challenge of finding something new and different for him to try. I think the "year of beer" idea sounds like a fun one. I found Wild Blue in a little redneck town in Illinois. Doug likes it, yummmm. He's made an effort to note which stores near him carry it and is supporting the local economy at the same time. ;) I like the 8% alcohol feature as I enjoy getting him drunk and taking advantage of him! *evil grin* In fact, here's a shout out to Doug.. Here baby, have another Wild Blue.. Full of anti-oxidants so it must be good for you, right? *cracks open some more blueberry goodness*
I've had this beer before and I really liked it.
It kind of reminds me of a sweeter beer, infused with a blueberry flavouring.
My girlfriends & I really enjoyed it. I don't think this beer is for everyone, but if you are open to something light and fruity -- this is for you.
Taste: sweet
Carbonation: a lot
Goes down: good
After taste: mellow
I don't think it taste anything like Vodka.
But that's just me...
Just love this beer!!!!
This aint a true beer its more like a barley wine,but it's buzz is more like wine mixed with beer,if that makes anysense lol.Wild blue kicks majoe ass it's very unique!!
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