Wednesday, February 6, 2008

#153 Butte Creek - Organic Ale

Organic beers can be difficult because hops are difficult to grow and benefit greatly from fertilizes and pesticides. I know some organic beers don't use all organic hops but it appears that Butte Creek uses all organic.

There is a pronounced malty caramel aroma to this beer. There is also a slight hop aroma in this beer. The color is a light brown that is very clear. There is very little foam on this beer, not much when poured or when drank.

This has a sweet taste, reminds me of tasting liquid malt extract. There is a clear caramel and a lesser honey flavor to the beer's sweetness. The hops give the beer a floral flavor, and plenty of bitterness. The mouthfeel is medium full, a result of all the residual sweetness. The finish is sweet with some bitterness.

I'm not crazy about this beer, it's sweet and bitter all at once. Less sweetness would be appreciated in this beer. I'm sure people who prefer a sweeter beer would like this.

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