Friday, February 1, 2008

#148 O'Fallon - Whiskey Barrel Smoked Porter

This beer is aged in Buffalo Trace Ancient Age barrels. This is the second batch of Whiskey Barrel Smoked Poter O'Fallon has produced. Only about 30 case were made and most are being sold locally in St. Louis. I got this beer on the same trip to stars when I got the Hop Slam. I made the trip for this beer in particular but didn't find any in the beer aisle. As I started to checkout the staff pointed it out to me next to the register and I happily grabbed one. StlHops again directs me to this beer.

This beer smells like whiskey with a little smoke. The smell reminds me of a smoky Scotch from the Island region of Scotland, or of drinking whiskey by a camp fire. The color is pitch black and without any light passing through. The head is a light brown and thin, quickly going to just a light ring around the glass.

The taste is a mix of smoke and whiskey with some hints of malt. The smoke and whiskey are well balanced and neither flavor is over powering the other. The mouthfeel is thin like most porters, with a low carbonation. This is not a big beer as expected for a whiskey barrel beer, like Schlafly's barley wine. The finish is lightly smoked with a back of the tongue smoke taste.

The smoke and whiskey flavors of this beer are well balanced with neither being a huge standout. Unfortunately the whiskey and smoke flavors are about all the flavor present in the beer, and they aren't my favorite flavors in beer. I think I will look for a second bottle to cellar for a few months to a year.

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