Monday, January 28, 2008

#144 Breckenridge - Double IPA

471 Small Batch is Breckenridge's line of special small batch beers. The 471's are sold in larger 22oz bomber bottles. I'm always excited to get a small batch beer since they are normally unique beers. This small batch was recommend by Dave from Wine Merchant and he has yet to give me a bad recommendation.

This beer has a very hoppy aroma, with strong pine and orange aromas. The head is very thick and white with good retention like an IPA should. The color is amber and very clear.

The beer starts with a sweet taste, but is quickly over come with hop flavors. This beer has a ton of hop flavor, strong grassy and pine flavors that fill the mouth. With all the hops there is still a strong malt backbone to the beer. The beer is hop heavy, but there is some balance to the taste. The mouthfeel is medium to heavy which adds to the "Big Beer" feeling of the beer. The finish isn't too bitter for a beer with so much hops, a lot of the hop flavor lingers.

This is a great beer for a hop fan and an ok beer for craft beer fan, but don't bother giving this to someone who drinks a lot of Budweiser. I was thinking about a hoppy beer at work today, and this beer fit the bill.

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