Thursday, January 3, 2008

#115 Dogfish Head – Pangaea

Dogfish Head is well known for making unique beer, and pushing the limits of beer. With there 120 minute IPA having a huge number of hop additions, the midus touch beer is made with honey and muscat grapes, and this beer is brewed with crystallized ginger. The brewer from Dogfish head wrote a book called Extreme Brewing and I think the name fits for a Dogfish Head brewer.

The aroma of this beer is spicy, reminiscent of a Belgium beer. I can smell the ginger and some alcohol aroma, but the beer is only 7%. The color is a clear amber, with a bunch of bubbles from the bottom of the glass. The head starts thick but doesn't last too long before being just a ring of foam around the top of the glass.

The taste of ginger is very clear in this beer. There is a slightly sweet start with the big ginger taste that reminds me of the crystallized ginger that this beer is made with. There is also some alcohol flavors that I think is fusel alcohol an off characteristic of beer. With all the ginger I would expect the beer to taste like ginger ale, but I think a strong malt profile is balancing the ginger taste.

This is a really interesting, enjoyable beer. Many people would not like this beer's strong ginger flavors, and I don't think anyone at Dogfish Head would expect everyone to be a fan of the beer. This is a great beer for someone looking for a unique beer.

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