Friday, January 4, 2008

#119 Rouge - Hazelnut Brown Nectar

Another beer from Rouge, I got this beer before I started the Christmas beer and have been looking forward to it for a while.

I am getting some sweet hazelnut aroma's from this beer, like nutella. The color is very dark brown, as dark as it can be without being black. The head is a light brown, and not too thick.

The start of this beer is effervescent and foamy with some malt flavors. There isn't much hops to this beer which is surprising for a Rogue beer. There is some dark malt and chocolate flavors that linger to the finish leaving a good taste in my mouth. The mouthfeel is medium, and appropriate for a beer with this much malt.

This beer isn't anything too extreme but instead a good tasting, easy drinking, enjoyable beer. This is the kid of beer I could sit around all night an enjoy and be very happy about. Too many times I am looking for big beers that would be hard to drink very many of, and I forget how nice an easy drinking beer is.

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