Sunday, January 20, 2008

#135 Schlafly - Belgian Tripel

The Schlafly taproom held their 5th annual Cabin Fever on Saturday. The event is features Schlafly's stronger beer choices three beers over 10% and no beer under 5.7% alcohol. This Saturday in St. Louis the warming beer as needed because the temperature was around 18 degrees. The beer was server outside on the patio of the Bottleworks, all the kegs were too cold and over carbonated because of it. I continued my trend of Belgian beers with a Tripel.

This tripel has some fruit esters to the aroma and a pronounced bubblegum aroma. The color is a clear golden honey. The foam was very thick, but the whole event was having trouble with the below freezing foamy kegs.

The beer has a lot of fruity esters in the taste and some Belgian clove spice flavors. The mouthfeel was full and highly carbonated, quickly washing away some of the flavor. The finish was a little dry and there as an odd after taste and I can't identify.

Over all this was a very tasty beer, and much closer to what I think a Belgian beer should taste like. If the beer was warmer it would have some different tastes and aromas, but I guess the cold is part of the fun of the event. Mike from StlHops live blogged the event.

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