Tuesday, April 29, 2008

#236 Dogfish Head - Red & White

This beer is brewed with Pinot noir juice concentrate and and aged with 11% in Pinor noir barrels and 89% aged on oak staves. This is one of Dogfish Head's many limited release beers.

There is a pronounced spice aroma with coriander and orange mixed with a little wild bacteria funk smell. This beer has a ruby red color with some sediment floating in suspension. The head pours thick, but does not last long.

This beer has a unique taste, the coriander and orange from the aroma are much more subtle in the taste, just an accent. There might be some wild yeast in this beer with some earth notes and a tart taste, but the tart taste could be a wine characteristic. The mouthfeel is medium full, giving the beer a noticeable body. The finish is fruity and earthy.

This is a great beer, lots of good unique flavors. I always have trouble describing Dogfish Head beer, the flavors are often unique and not like other beers. Just a really enjoyable beer.

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