Tuesday, April 22, 2008

#229 Dogfish Head - 90 Minute Imperial IPA

More unique beer from Dogfish head.

This beer has an overwhelming hop aroma, it smells like glass of hop leaves with a hint of caramel malt. This beer has a very pale copper to brown color, look similar to ice tea. The head is very thick with good retention.

There is a predominate hop flavor to this beer, but it is a mix of tastes. The hops have a floral and fruity taste that blend well. The malt has a light caramel sweetness that balances against the hops. The bitterness is light and comes only in the finish. The mouthfeel is medium giving the beer some substance to go along with all the flavors.

This is a great beer with lots of flavors. It is hard to properly describe all the flavors in this beer. This is a lot like the 120 minute IPA just toned down.

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