I got this beer from my favorite liquor store The Wine Merchant in St. Louis. A lot of small breweries don't distribute in St. Louis because Anheuser Busch is head quartered here and has a large market share, so a store like Wine Merchant that works hard at getting different beers in is really appreciated.
When I first open the beer I got a whiff of hops. Smelling some fruit, maybe even fruit yet to ripen, hops and more hops is the aroma of this beer. This beer doesn't have much carbonation, there are only a few large bubbles coming up from the bottom but the foam if staying on the edge of the glass after ever sip.
This is a labeled as a "Big Beer Series" and it is truly a big beer. The hops are strong and over powering there is no malt flavor in the beer. The name Hopmouth is appropriate because the hops leave the mouth dry with a lot of feeling in the back of the mouth. This is not a beer for the casual beer drinker or someone who doesn't like hops. I enjoy this beer like but it's something that can't be over indulged. I think the taste of hops is going the be in my mouth for a while.
Arcadia's web site says they only brew small batches and used fresh hops in making this beer. I will have to try more beer from them.
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