Tuesday, September 11, 2007

#6 Schlafly - IPA (India Pale Ale)

For this beer I walked to the Schlafly bottleworks for my beer so there is no picture. Schlafly is a St. Louis craft brewery that runs two brewpubs and sells in most local stores. I really like this company and recently read the president Tom Schlafly's book. I plan to make many trips to the bottleworks for The Year of Beer because it is within walking distance and I can get many season styles on tap only.

The IPA was served in a small 10oz glass instead of the normal 12oz because of its high proof. This is a great beer, a beer that reminds me why I want to drink 365 different beers. The smell wasn't too strong at first but I blame the small opening on the brandy sniffer and the cold temperature. Once it warmed up a little fruit and tropical smell was present, maybe even some pineapple. The color was a dark opaque gold. With only slight head, with low head retention.

The flavor was huge. Lots of hops, lots of fruit, lots of green tasting goodness with only a slight hint of sweetness from the malt. There was a bitter taste that stuck to the back of the mouth but it was mellow enough to not be overpowering or take away for the beer. The thick almost sticky constancy of this IPA along with the overflow of flavor from the hops is what makes a good beer something to look forward to and not something to drink just to get drunk. Not to say I could drink this beer all night, but with the higher proof getting drunk might happen quicker than expected.

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